Anuar Khalifi | Farah Al Qasimi | Fouad Elkoury | Hayv Kharaman | Lamya Gargash | Hudood: Rethinking boundaries | SOAS Gallery


Anuar Khalifi, Farah Al Qasimi, Fouad Elkoury, Hayv Kharaman, and Lamya Gargash on view at SOAS Gallery as a part of the group exhibition Hudood: Rethinking boundaries curated by Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi’s students at SOAS.


11 July - 21 September 2024
SOAS Gallery exhibition space


The exhibition examines Boundaries as both tangible realities and abstract constructs, shaping artists' works and biographies. From sculptures made with asphalt sourced from physical borders to reflections on the limitations of accessing historical archives, the exhibition covers a wide spectrum of topics. It invites discourse and aims to be accessible to the general public, students, and experts alike, while critically reflecting on the curatorial practices of the student-led collective.


For more information, tap on the SOAS Gallery website

August 27, 2024